WRDAuthPlugin::ProcessVerificationLink (open)

Processes a verification link and the passed verification code, checks if they are valid


LOADLIB "mod::wrd/lib/internal/auth/webdesignplugin.whlib";

RECORD FUNCTION ProcessVerificationLink(STRING encrypted_data, STRING verifier)


STRING encrypted_data

Contents of _ed variable of the verification/entry link

STRING verifier

Verifier code (contents of the verifier variable of the verification link), or the code entered by the user when following the entrylink

Return value


Result of decoding and verifying

INTEGER entityid

Entity id of the user

BOOLEAN expired

Whether the link has expired

DATETIME expireson

Date when the verification link exires

BOOLEAN failed

TRUE if the decoding/verification failed

BOOLEAN failed_incorrectverifier

TRUE if the verifier code was incorrect

STRING failreason

Reason why verification failed

RECORD secret

Secret passed to CreateVerificationLink

BOOLEAN success

Whether the verification link and code are correct and not expired

BOOLEAN usedmessage

Data used for marking the link as used