WRDEntityEditScreenBase (open)
Base screen to implement entityedit screens with
LOADLIB "mod::wrd/lib/screenbase.whlib";
OBJECTTYPE WRDEntityEditScreenBase
When creating an screen that edits entities (used as entityeditscreen
in an <entitiesedit>
the screen must be built with have the attribute implementation="wrd:entityedit"
, or its screen object
must derive from WRDEntityEditScreenBase
- MACRO NEW() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- OBJECT frame (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Frame object
- OBJECT parentscope (inherited from TolliumScope)
- BOOLEAN pvt_tolliumframeinitrun (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- BOOLEAN pvt_tolliumframepreinits (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- RECORD ARRAY tolliumdirtysubscreens (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
List of subscreens that have visible dirty components
- RECORD ARRAY tolliumdirtyvisiblecomponents (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
List of components that are both now visible (isnowvisible is true) and are dirty
- STRING tolliumresult (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
The return value for this dialog. Setting this member closes the dialog
- OBJECT tolliumscreenbuilder (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- OBJECT tolliumscreenmanager (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- PROPERTY contexts (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Context object
- PROPERTY tolliumcontroller (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
The controller that constructed this screen
- PROPERTY tolliummodule (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- PROPERTY tolliumparent (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
The screen that created this screen (default object if we're a top level window)
- PROPERTY tolliumscreenid (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Screen ID - different for each screen, never changes after allocation
- PROPERTY tolliumscreenname (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- PROPERTY tolliumuser (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
The user accessing this screen
- PROPERTY ^ (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Access all components through ^
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginFeedback() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin transactional work
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginLockedUnvalidatedWork(STRING mutex) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin transactional work without automatic validation, while keeping a mutex locked
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginLockedWork(STRING mutex) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin transactional work with automatic validation, while keeping a mutex locked
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginUnvalidatedFeedback() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin a feedback session without automatic validation
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginUnvalidatedWork() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin transactional work without automatic validation
- OBJECT FUNCTION BeginWork(RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Begin transactional work
- OBJECT FUNCTION CreateCustomComponent(STRING namespace, STRING type, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Create a custom component
- OBJECT FUNCTION CreateTolliumComponent(STRING type, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Create a tollium component
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION DoLoadComponents(RECORD ARRAY formobjects, OBJECT screenbuilder) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- RECORD FUNCTION GetDragType(STRING wanttype) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION GetExclusiveAccess(RECORD tag, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Request exclusive access to a resource
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION GetExclusiveAccessForAction(RECORD tag, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Request exclusive access for running an action. Upon steal, exclusive access is released immediately and dialogs are cancelled with tolliumresult="".
- STRING FUNCTION GetHTMLTid(STRING localtid, STRING p1, STRING p2, STRING p3, STRING p4) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Returns the id of the entity. Set when an existing entity has been edited or a new entity has been created
- STRING FUNCTION GetTid(STRING localtid, STRING p1, STRING p2, STRING p3, STRING p4) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- RECORD FUNCTION GetUpdatedFields()
When the submit has succeeded, this function returns the updates performed on the entity
- OBJECT FUNCTION LoadScreen(STRING name, RECORD params, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Open an application-defined screen
- RECORD FUNCTION LoadTolliumBodyFragment(RECORD ARRAY localrefs, RECORD ARRAY localhandlers, STRING resource, STRING resourcetype) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Load a XML document fragment as a collection of tollium lines (experimental function, will be removed in the future)
- MACRO RegisterLocalDragType(STRING name, STRING ARRAY flags) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- STRING FUNCTION RunMessageBox(STRING name, STRING p1, STRING p2, STRING p3, STRING p4) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Request a predefined message box (avoid - use ShowMessageBox in new applications)
- STRING FUNCTION RunModal() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Run this window in modal mode
- VARIANT FUNCTION RunScreen(STRING screen, RECORD initdata, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Load a screen and run it
- STRING FUNCTION RunSimpleScreen(STRING type, STRING message, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
Display a simple screen with a yes/no or ok/cancel dialog
- STRING FUNCTION ShowMessageBox(STRING message, RECORD options) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- MACRO TolliumCloseScreen() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION TolliumExecuteCancel() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION TolliumExecuteSubmit() (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- MACRO TolliumInitializeScreen(RECORD params) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- MACRO TolliumIsSubScreenChange(BOOLEAN add) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- MACRO TolliumSetComponentVisibleDirtyness(OBJECT component, BOOLEAN visibly_dirty) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- MACRO TolliumSetSubScreenDirtyness(OBJECT screen, BOOLEAN dirty, OBJECT component) (inherited from TolliumScreenBase)
- OBJECT FUNCTION Tollium_GetPrivatePtr() (inherited from TolliumScope)