WRDEntity2017 (open)
WRD entity
LOADLIB "mod::wrd/lib/internal/wrdentity.whlib";
- MACRO NEW(OBJECT wrdtype, RECORD entityrec)
Create a new WRD entity object
- PROPERTY guid (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Guid of this entity
- PROPERTY id (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Entity id of this entity
- PROPERTY leftentity (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
ID of the left entity this links from (only set for domains, links and attachments)
- PROPERTY rightentity (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Id of the entity this entity links to (only set for links)
- PROPERTY wrdschema (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
WRD schema object
- PROPERTY wrdtype (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
WRD type object
- STRING FUNCTION CheckPassword(STRING attrtag, STRING testvalue) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Tests if a password is correct, can be used on password and authenticationsettings attributes
- MACRO CloseEntity()
Closes this entity
- MACRO CloseOrDeleteEntity() (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Delete the entity if not referred, close it otherwise
- MACRO DeleteEntity() (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Delete the entity, cascading any references
- OBJECT FUNCTION DuplicateEntity(RECORD options) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Duplicate a WRD entity, and optionally attachments / links
- RECORD FUNCTION FilterFieldUpdates(RECORD updates) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Filters out attribute cells that have the same value as the currently stored entity has.
- VARIANT FUNCTION GetField(STRING field, RECORD options) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Get a single field
- RECORD FUNCTION GetFields(VARIANT fields, RECORD options) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
returns all requested fields of the entity with the given find_id
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsLive() (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Is the entity currently existing, considering creationdate/limitdate
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsReferenced() (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Is the entity referenced?
- MACRO MergeEntityInto(INTEGER destentity) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Change all references to this entity to point to another entity instead
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION RemoveEntity(STRING deletemode) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Remove entity according to a delete mode
- MACRO UpdateEntity(RECORD entitydata, RECORD options) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Update this entity
- MACRO UpdatePassword(STRING attrtag, STRING newpassword, RECORD options) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Update the password for this entity
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION VerifyPassword(STRING attrtag, STRING testvalue) (inherited from WRDEntityBase)
Tests if a password is correct, can be used on password and authenticationsettings attributes