Widget syntax

Defining a widget

Widgets are a special type of contenttype and are defined in a site profile. As an example:

<siteprofile xmlns="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/publisher/siteprofile">
      <member name="shorttitle" type="string" />
      <member name="content" type="richdocument" />

The simplest widgets (as in the example above) only need to provide a witty component for the actual rendering, eg:

[component anchor]
  [if isrtdpreview]
    Title: [shorttitle]
    <div class="mywidget">[shorttitle]</div>

If you need more control over the generated HTML, specify a renderobjectname, eg renderobjectname="widgets.whlib#MyWidget" The object should derive from WidgetBase and at minimum, implement Render. It can use EmbedComponent to invoke the specified wittycomponent, eg:

LOADLIB "mod::publisher/lib/widgets.whlib";

    this->EmbedComponent([ title := ToUppercase(this->data.title )]);

The widget class can query this->context->IsRTDPreview() to see if it is being rendered in the rich text editor (as a preview) or in a live web page (equivalent to isrtdpreview in witty)

Widgets can also override RenderLive to override its live rendering only, and override RenderSearchPreview to change how the widget is interpreted during searches.

Editing widget data

A widget's contenttype can contain one or more members. To set up an editor for the data inside a widget, add an editextension= to its <widgettype>, eg editextension="#mywidgeteditor" (which refers to a tabsextension in the same file)

For example:

  <tabsextension xmlns="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/tollium/screens"
                 name="mywidgeteditor" implementation="none">
      <textedit composition="contentdata" cellname="shorttitle" />
      <richdocument composition="contentdata" cellname="content" />

Set allowresize=true on the <tabsextension> to allow the widget editor to resize.

Note that <tabsextension> in the above example needs to use xmlns because the <tabsextension> element is in a different namespace from siteprofiles)

Manual widget rendering

Widgets are normally rendered when automatically when they are encountered in rich text documents. You can also explicitly render a widget using WebDesign::RenderWidgetInstance

Publisher preview

The publisher can show previews for widgets. Previews are visible when:

This will generally be true inside a site but you may need to check the above when widgets are inside a separate repository.