TolliumUser::UpdateGrant (open)
Grants the specified object right on the specified object to another user. Throws on failure.
LOADLIB "mod::tollium/lib/users.whlib";
MACRO UpdateGrant(STRING action, STRING rightname, INTEGER objectid, OBJECT grantee, RECORD options)
STRING action
grant/update/revoke. update does not grant a nonexisting right
STRING rightname
Right to grant
INTEGER objectid
Object to grant the right on (0 for all objects. always set to 0 for global rights!)
OBJECT grantee
User to grant the right to
RECORD options
BOOLEAN allowselfassignment
If TRUE, skip rights validation if this is a self assignment
STRING comment
IF set, update the comment
BOOLEAN withgrantoption
If set, update 'withgrantoption'