Building an application

This guide assumes you already have setup a module for your work

Step 1: add an to your moduledefinition's node

  <application name="mynewapp" screen="tolliumapps/mynewapp/main.xml#main">
      <requireright right="supervisor" />

This registers a simple application which can be accessed by adding ?app=<modulename>:<newapname> to the URL (eg ?app=mymodule:myapp) and which is accessible to anyone with the module's supervisor right.

The application will not appear in the WebHare menu until you add a 'group' and a 'title' or 'tid' attribute


The Tollium contexts offer quick access to objects you generally need throughout your Tollium application, such as the controller, a WRD Schema, and optionally your own 'api' or 'app' object.

The contexts object is available on the controller, every screen, and every component. (components simply forward you to the screen's contexts, but this allows a lot of APIs to stop caring whether you pass them a screen, controller or contexts).

The following contexts are available by default:

Note that requesting an unset context will throw an exception. If you need to check if a context is available, you will need to explicity check with IsSet(). We assume that if you access a context, you will need it.