
Setting up tests

WebHare can automatically run tests placed in the tests/ directory of a module. This directory needs to contain a testinfo.xml explaining which test to run, eg:

<group xmlns="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/system/testinfo">
  <test script="test_beer.whscr" />

<test script= refers to a HareScript test.

You can parameterize tests if you want to run the same test under different circumstances. Eg a webshop may use this to run tests with prices both including and excluding VATs:

  <jstest name="test-checkout-euvat-pricesincludevat" file="test-checkout-euvat.es">
     <arg value="includevat"/>
  <jstest name="test-checkout-euvat-pricesexcludevat" file="test-checkout-euvat.es">
     <arg value="excludevat"/>

The value of test parameter can be queried using getTestArgument(idx)

Running WebHare with testsuite

We now supply a build which embeds the webhare_testsuite (for safety reasons, normal builds omit this). To start it:

docker pull webhare/webhare-core:master-withts
docker run --rm -p 8989:8000 webhare/webhare-core:master-withts

this will create a testsuite server with its administrative interface on port 8989. Go to to access it.

Simulating CI

wh builddocker
NOCLEANUP=1 wh testdocker

NOCLEANUP=1 prevents the test container from being stopped and removed at the end of the testrun, so you have a chance to inspect it.

Manually running a test on the Docker image

When CI tests fail, you may want to reproduce the testenvironment as much as possible.

To do this, find the name of the image you want to test. If you've built the image locally (eg you've run wh builddocker) the image will be named webhare/webhare-extern:localbuild-withts.

If you want to test against a CI built version, you're probably after webhare/webhare-core:master-withts. If you didn't build it locally, pull it first: docker pull webhare/webhare-core:master-withts to make sure you have the newset version

Launch a test image in the foreground:

docker run -p 8000 --rm --name webhare-test -ti \
  -v ~/projects/webhare/whtree/modules/webhare_testsuite:/opt/whdata/installedmodules/webhare_testsuite \

Then, in a second console

docker exec webhare-test wh webserver addport 8088
docker exec webhare-test wh webserver addbackend
docker exec webhare-test wh webhare_testsuite:reset
docker exec webhare-test wh runtest <name of the failed test>

To enter the test image:

docker exec -ti webhare-test /bin/bash

Running tests with docker

Running coverage tests for a single test

wh builddocker
# Run a coverage test, using the local builddocker result (-w local)
wh testdocker -w local --coverage <testname>
# Run a single test directly, open a shell after the tests have run
wh testdocker -w local --sh publisher-webdesign.testwebdesign-template

Running tests locally

Looping publisher test until one fails

wh runtest --loop --breakonerror publisher.*

Running frontend (Chrome) tests on Linux

google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=$HOME/.chrome-debugged --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null
wh runtest --chromeurl http://localhost:9222 system.setup.setup-standard

Running frontend (Chrome) tests on OSX

"/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=$HOME/.chrome-debugged --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null
wh runtest --chromeurl http://localhost:9222 TESTNAME

You can add --keepsessions to runtest to prevent browser windows from closing after completing or failing a test

Setting up a discardable test environment

You may want to setup a separate WebHare installtion for running tests on a clean system. A way to do this is to setup a shell script to control this separate installation. Create an executable (chmod a+x) wh-test containing:

export WEBHARE_DTAPSTAGE=development
export WEBHARE_DATAROOT=$HOME/projects/whdata/test/
exec wh "$@"

(this assumes a working wh, update the WEBHARE_DATAROOT as needed)

Run wh-test dirs to verify the configuration. You can now start this separate installation with wh-test console and invoke tests using wh-test runtest ...

If you often reset this installation you can use wh-test freshdbconsole to remove the database and start a console version. You will need to create an empty file named $WEBHARE_DATAROOT/etc/allow-fresh-db once to verify you really want to be able to run freshdbconsole on this installation.

You may want to preconfigure your development WebHare automatically, especially if you often use freshdbconsole. Add the following line to your configuration file, above the exec wh command:

export WEBHARE_POSTSTARTSCRIPT=${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/wh-test-startup.sh

And add the following content to an executable wh-test-startup.sh file to always set up an interface on port 8888:

if ! wh-test webserver addport 8888 2>/dev/null ; then
  echo "Looks like startup script has already run"
  exit 0

echo "Setting up for tests"
wh-test webserver addbackend --primary http://localhost:8888/
wh-test webhare_testsuite:reset
wh-test users adduser --sysop --password secret sysop@example.net
exit 0

Managing secrets

Secrets should be set in an environment variable named TESTSECRET_<name> or configured using wh debug setsecret "<name>=<value>". Tests can retrieve these settings using GetTestSecret and specifying thes secret. Values set using wh debug setsecret apply globally to the currently running WebHare installation and take precedence over any environment variables, but are lost after a restart.

During local development you should probably load sensitive secrets (eg AWS keys) only through wh debug setsecret to prevent them from being in your environment at all times. Integrate wh debug setsecret with a password manager to prevent sensitive keys from being stored unencrypted on disk at all.