JS Tests
Canonical approaches
Template for tests:
import * as test from "@mod-system/js/wh/testframework";
[ "My test name"
, async function()
await test.load(test.getTestSiteRoot());
//test.eq stuff...
Common test actions:
// Lookup an element
let searchbutton = test.qS('button.p-helpersearch__search--vehicle');
let allbuttons = test.qSA('buttons');
// Click an element, by selector or element
// Fill a field, by selector or element
test.fill('#inputfield', 'value');
test.fill(inputradionode, true);
// Test a value (with optional annotation)
test.assert(searchbutton, 'Expecting the search button to exist');
test.eq('ExpectedButtonText', searchbutton.textContent);
// Keyboard: Press 's' key ('ArrowUp' for up, 'Tab' for tab ...)
await test.pressKey('s');
// Special tests
test.assert(test.canClick(node)); //can we click on the node? (it's visible, not covered)
// Navigate to a page relative to the current siteroot, and wait for it to load
await test.load(test.getTestSiteRoot() + 'mysubfolder/mysubfile');
// Wait for a page to load (eg after form submission or location.href update)
await test.wait('pageload');
// Wait for a UI-blocking action to finish (busy.es locks)
await test.wait('ui');
// Wait for emails sent to an email address
const emails = await test.waitForEmails('test@example.org', { timeout: 60000 });
Tollium tests
Common actions for Tollium in-browser testing (as opposed to headless testing).
You can import the Tollium testframework library instead of @mod-system/js/wh/testframework
as everything from the latter
will also be exported by Tollium's version:
Common test actions:
import * as test from "@mod-tollium/js/testframework";
//Lookup an element in a component's dom
let thetextarea = test.compByName("html").querySelector("textarea");
//Click a button by label
Server side code
Tests can directly invoke prepared HareScript functions on the server. You can use this to eg update configuration or verify that data was properly stored.
Use test.invoke
to run a function, specifying library and function name. The HareScript function must be PUBLIC and
its name must be prefixed with TestInvoke_
. You don't need to specify this prefix when calling this function. For example:
let result = await test.invoke('mod::mymodule/lib/internal/tests.whlib','UpdatePrice', "product:Fuchsia", "5.00");
and in your tests.whlib
PUBLIC RECORD FUNCTION TestInvoke_UpdatePrice(STRING product, STRING newprice)
As an extra security measure, the RPCs used by test.invoke
are automatically blocked if the current server's DTAP stage
is not set to development
Old/deprecated approacehes
Don't do this anymore, but replace with....
{ loadpage: "xxx" } => await test.load("xxx");
{ waits: ["x", "y"] } => await test.wait("x"); await test.wait("y");
await test.waitUIFree() => await test.wait("ui");
$qS => test.qS
$qSA => test.qSA
{ email: "x@x", emailhandler: emails => {} } => const emails = await test.waitForEmails("x@x");