Testframework and Continuous Integration
Testframework API
- OBJECTTYPE AsyncEventWaiter
This objecttype provides facilities for waiting on specific events. It also allows events expanding into new waits
- MACRO DumpStackTrace(RECORD ARRAY trace)
Prints a stacktrace
- OBJECT FUNCTION EnsureTestSite(STRING sitename, RECORD options)
Setup a test site. It will be created as /webhare-tests/ and use WebHare backend:/testoutput/ as output
- RECORD FUNCTION ExtractWebdesignRenderingSummary(OBJECT htmldoc)
Extracts the webdesign rendering summary from an HTML document
- STRING FUNCTION GetRandomTestModuleName()
- STRING FUNCTION GetTestSecret(STRING varname)
Get a test secret, either from the environment or set using
wh debug setsecret
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsBeingPublished(INTEGER objid)
Returns true when a file is currently being published
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsBeingPublishedSince(INTEGER objid, DATETIME when)
Returns true when a file is currently being published
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsTestModuleName(STRING module)
- MACRO MarkAsPublished(INTEGER objid, BOOLEAN needswebdesign, DATETIME setlastpublishdate)
Marks a file as published
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenTestsuiteWRDSchema()
Opens temporary the WRD schema created by the testsuite
- VARIANT FUNCTION RecurseDeleteSettingIds(VARIANT data, STRING ARRAY extra_deletes)
Deletes all setting ids (wrd_settingid, fs_settingid, __blource, etc) from records, to be able to compare the content
- RECORD FUNCTION RunFilePublish(INTEGER fileid, BOOLEAN profile)
Runs an inline file publication
- OBJECT FUNCTION RunTestframework(FUNCTION PTR ARRAY tests, RECORD options)
Run a number of tests within the framework
- MACRO SetupSiteTestOutput(OBJECT site, STRING subfolder)
Setup test output for a site
- MACRO SnoozeRateLimits()
Request an extension on all rate limits. Must currently be renewed every 10 minutes, invoke testframework with keepratelimits := TRUE if you don't want this bump (but previous tests can currently still have a lingering enabling)
- MACRO TestAssert(BOOLEAN to_assert, STRING annotation)
Test if an expression is TRUE
- MACRO TestEq(VARIANT expected, VARIANT actual, STRING annotation)
Compare two values by value
- MACRO TestEqCSSColor(STRING expected, STRING actual, INTEGER max_deviation, STRING annotation)
Tests if a CSS color matches the expected value
- MACRO TestEqFloat(FLOAT expected, FLOAT actual, FLOAT max_deviation, STRING annotation)
Test if a float value matches the expected value, with a specific maximum deviation
- MACRO TestEqLike(STRING mask, STRING actual, STRING annotation)
Test if a value matches a LIKE mask
- MACRO TestEqMembers(VARIANT expected, VARIANT actual, STRING memberstext, STRING annotation)
Compare specific cells of two values (recursive)
- MACRO TestEqStructure(VARIANT expect, VARIANT input, STRING annotation)
Tests if a value follows a structure
- OBJECT testfw
Test framework
- CONSTANT STRING testfw_testmodule
Name of the testmodule
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION TestInvoke_ExtractAllMailFor(STRING emailaddress, RECORD options)
- OBJECT FUNCTION TestRejectedLike(STRING mask, OBJECT promise, STRING annotation)
Waits until a promise fulfulls, and tests if it is rejected
- OBJECT FUNCTION TestThrowsLike(STRING mask, FUNCTION PTR testfunc, STRING annotation)
Tests if a function throws an exception that matches a LIKE mask
- MACRO TestUnreachable(STRING annotation)
Reports an error when this statement is reached
Publisher test APIs
- OBJECTTYPE FormsapiFormTester
Publisher forms (CI) tester returned by OpenFormsapiFormTester
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenFormsapiFormTester(OBJECT browser, RECORD options)
- OBJECT FUNCTION SetupTestWebsite(STRING webdesigntemplate, RECORD options)
Setup a website for continuous integration tests
Tollium test APIs
- ASYNC FUNCTION AnswerMessageBox(STRING answer, RECORD options)
Answers the currently open messagebox
- MACRO DumpRunningExpectCalls()
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION ExecuteDragDrop(OBJECT sourcecomp, VARIANT selection, OBJECT targetcomp, RECORD options)
Do a drag-drop onto another component
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION ExecuteListDragDrop(OBJECT sourcecomp, VARIANT rowkeys, OBJECT targetcomp, RECORD options)
Do a drag-drop from list to list
- RECORD FUNCTION ExecuteWindowOpenAction(OBJECT actioncomponent, RECORD options)
Execute an open-new-window action
- ASYNC FUNCTION ExpectAndAnswerMessageBox(STRING answer, MACRO PTR call, RECORD options)
Expect a message-box to open after a trigger-call, and answer it
- ASYNC FUNCTION ExpectNoScreenChange(MACRO PTR call)
Expect the screen stack to not change after a call
- ASYNC FUNCTION ExpectOptionalProgressWindow(MACRO PTR call, RECORD options)
Expect that an async action (triggered by call, if specified) may result in a progress window, process that progress window
- ASYNC FUNCTION ExpectScreenChange(INTEGER diff, MACRO PTR call, RECORD options)
Expect the screen stack to change
- ASYNC FUNCTION ExpectSentWebFile(MACRO PTR call, RECORD options)
Expect a file to be sent to the user
- OBJECT FUNCTION ExpectWorkErrors(MACRO PTR call, RECORD options)
Expect work errors, auto 'ok' them
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetTestController()
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetTestsuiteWRDauthPlugin()
- STRING FUNCTION InlineScreens(STRING content, STRING hash)
- RECORD FUNCTION TestInvoke_GetFileTransferData(STRING url)
- OBJECT topscreen
Look for a component in the current toplevel screen
- MACRO TTEscape()
- MACRO TTFillByTitle(STRING compname, VARIANT val, RECORD options)
Sets a component value
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION TTIsActionEnabled(STRING compname, RECORD options)
Test is an action is enabled wrt current selection and flags
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION TTIsVisible(STRING compname, RECORD options)
Check whether the requested component is visible */
- ASYNC MACRO TTLaunchApp(STRING appname, RECORD options)
Launch an application
- ASYNC MACRO TTLaunchStartedApp()
Launch the most recently requested application (eg after a click)
WRD test APIs
- MACRO CompleteWRDTestpayment(STRING payurl, STRING approvetype)
- RECORD FUNCTION CompleteWRDTestpayment2(STRING payurl, STRING approvetype, RECORD options)
Accept or reject testprovider payment
- MACRO DumpWRDEntityHistory(OBJECT entity, RECORD options)
Dumps the history changes for a specific entity
- MACRO PushWRDTestPaymentButton(STRING approvetype)
Click testprovider payment approval button
Syntax/file validation
- STRING FUNCTION FormatValidationError(RECORD msg)
Returns the string for a validation error from an XML (without column number)
- STRING FUNCTION FormatValidationWarning(RECORD msg)
Returns the string for a validation warning from an XML (without column number)
- RECORD FUNCTION GetModuleValidationConfig(STRING modname)
Returns the validation configuration for a module
- STRING ARRAY FUNCTION GetValidatableFiles(RECORD validateconfig, STRING modulename, RECORD options)
Gathers the list of files that must be validated
- MACRO PrintValidationMessages(RECORD file)
Prints (colored) validation errors and warnings to the console
- RECORD FUNCTION ScanModuleTids(RECORD validationconfig, STRING module)
Returns the list of tids in a module
- RECORD FUNCTION ValidateSingleFile(STRING resourcename, RECORD options)
Validates a single file
- RECORD FUNCTION ValidateSingleFileAdhoc(STRING resname, RECORD options)
Validate a single file using the module configuration for validation options