Search engine optimization

Navigation, header and SEO titles

WebHare 4.34 adds standardized (but still opt-in) fields to separately control the titles used to refer to a file:

Navigation title

This is the title that should be used when referring to this file in navigation - it's how other parts of the site will generally list it in paths, lists and trees. This title is shown in the Publisher file lists and object properties as 'title' and as 'Navigation title' in a SEO export.

The navigation title is also the fallback for the SEO title if not explicitly set, and is always enabled. In the database, this is the title field in system.fs_objects. It's available as pagetitle in your webdesign templates and code.

SEO title

This is the title to use in the <title> element of the <head> of the page and is usually the title shown by search engines and used for browser tabs/bookmarks. It is available as seotitle in your webdesign templates and code. If the seotitle is not set in the file settings, it falls back to pagetitle.

To enable, add or update your siteprofile's baseproperties: <baseproperties seotitle="true" />

Migrating custom fields to these titles

You'll need to write a conversion script that sets the seotitle in the instance. Keep in mind that these fields are only available on files, if you did something meaningful with them at the folder level you'll still need to implement that yourself.

After that, ensure <baseproperties seotitle="true" /> is set and update your webdesign code as needed.

Robot tags

You can control the meta robots tag rendered by WebHare by setting the webdesign's robotstag property. The robot properties can only be updated in the preparation phase of a template.

You can enable the user to modify SEO settings by adding the seotab= property to the baseproperties, ie. <baseproperties seotab="true" />. This will enable the SEO tab on the necessary files and folders.

Setting noindex/noarchive and/or nofollow on a folder will recurse this setting to all contained files and folders and will not allow users to disabled this on a file or folder basis. The webdesign code can still override these settings.

You may want to consider disabling the seotab property on dynamic pages, especially if they will take care of these properties themselves or expand to multiple pages for which a single canonical URL won't make sense. You can also use the <baseproperties noindex/nofollow/noarchive settings to enforce these settings on certain files (eg 'noindex' on search pages). Alternatively, you can use the seotabrequireright attribute to limit the access to the SEO tab.

You can also directly set noindex/nofollow/noarchive settings on the <baseproperties> tag.

Migrating away from the consilio robots plugin

The consilio <robots xmlns="" /> has been deprecated and is no longer needed to add a meta-robots tag. To migrate away from this tag: