RTD Type definitions

Rich text document (RTD) types are defined in site profiles similarly to how you define content types (although you cannot use the namespace specified as an actual whfstype)

A RTD type defines the styles and widgets a document is allowed to use


<siteprofile xmlns="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/publisher/siteprofile">

  <rtdtype namespace="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/publisher/defaultrtdtype">
    <css path="../css/rtd.css" /> <!-- CSS file configuring the styles below -->
    <blockstyles defaultstyle="NORMAL">
      <textstyle tag="HEADING1" textstyles="i u" />
      <textstyle tag="HEADING2" textstyles="i u" />
      <textstyle tag="NORMAL" textstyles="b a-href img sup sub strike" />
      <textstyle tag="UNORDERED" containertag="ul" textstyles="b a-href img sup sub strike" />
      <textstyle tag="ORDERED" containertag="ol" textstyles="b a-href img sup sub strike" />
      <tablestyle tag="TABLE" />
      <allowtype type="http://www.webhare.net/xmlns/publisher/embedvideo" />

RTD types do not support SCSS files. The CSS for the rtdtype should contain styling usable by Tollium richtext editors to give an approximation how the user's content would look on the web. Your webdesign can also load the same CSS for maximum consistency.

The RTD rewrites the CSS files to ensure classes defined therein cannot affect other RTDs or the tollium interface by replacing html and body in the selectors with random classnames.

You can specify a htmlclass and/or bodyclass attribute to the <rtdtype> node. These classes will then be applied to the richtext editor to allow some tweaking of the rendering while sharing the CSS file.

For example if you set <rdtype htmlclass="article"> any html.article selector in the supplied rtd.css will apply to the richtext editor.