WebDesignPluginBase (open)
Base object for webdesign plugins such a <wrdauth>
LOADLIB "mod::publisher/lib/webdesign.whlib";
OBJECTTYPE WebDesignPluginBase
- MACRO ConfigurePlugin(OBJECT webcontext, RECORD mergedconfiguration)
- RECORD FUNCTION FinalizeBeforeRendering(OBJECT webdesign, RECORD pageconfig)
FinalizeBeforeRendering is invoked just before actual page rendering, when pageconfig has already been through UpdatePageConfig
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION HookGetDebugSettings()
- MACRO HookObjectProps(OBJECT objectpropsapi)
- RECORD FUNCTION HookPrepareMail()
Return merge record extensions used by the composer returned by PrepareMailWitty. Enabled by hookfeature 'preparemail'.
- STRING ARRAY FUNCTION ListConfigurationNodeAttributes(OBJECT node)
Explain which attributes are set for the configuration node (ie, which attributes a later webdesignplugin node overrides. By default, returns the names of all attributes
- RECORD FUNCTION ParseConfigurationNode(OBJECT siteprofile, OBJECT node)
Override with a function that parses node. Unless you override ListConfigurationNodeAttributes too, the cellnames used in the returned record must match the attribute names
- MACRO PrepareForRendering(OBJECT webdesign)