WebDesignBase (open)
LOADLIB "mod::publisher/lib/webdesign.whlib";
- STRING assetcachebuster
set a timestamp or other prefix to trigger unique bundles
- STRING baseurl (inherited from WebContext)
The base URL for this page
- STRING canonicalurl
The page canonical URL (eg, it's unique reference in a search engine). This is automatically set to file->url by static pages
- RECORD consiliofields
Additional consilio fields to index with frontend content
- MACRO PTR contentbody
The content body generator (the main body, which is then followed by any plugin adds)
- STRING designcdnrooturl
URL of the CDN version of the design root folder. Passed as 'designcdnroot' to the Witty. If the design-holding site isn't published to a cdn, this just returns designroot
- STRING designrooturl
URL of the design root folder. Passed as 'designroot' to the Witty
- STRING imgrooturl
URL of the image root folder. Passed as 'imgroot' to the Witty (if not set, [imgroot] = [designcdnroot]img/)
- BOOLEAN isstandardcontentpage
If set, we're rendering a 'standard content page' - a builtin page that expects to be able to simply render , etc.
- STRING languagecode (inherited from WebContext)
The language to use (eg 'en', 'nl'), lowercase
- STRING languagecountry (inherited from WebContext)
The country code for the language (eg 'GB', 'US'), uppercase, if set.
- STRING maxcontentwidth
Maximum content width
- STRING navigationtitle
The navigation title (fs_objects.title)
- STRING pagedescription
The page description
- INTEGER pageerrorcode
Error code for which we're running (a 4xx or 5xx code, or 0 for no error)
- STRING pagekeywords
The page keywords
- OBJECT pageobject
The page object (dynamic or static page)
- STRING pagetitle
The page title (SEO title)
- OBJECT pagewitty
The page witty
- STRING pvt_linkmode
- BOOLEAN relativebases
Create relative bases (imgroot, designroot, siteroot), according to the relative scope
- STRING relativelinksscope
The relative link scope (defaults to "protocol", which is safe for multimode http/https sites) used for designfiles and GetRelUrl
- RECORD ARRAY structuredbreadcrumb
The structured breadcrumb path, ordered from the root
- STRING wittyencoding
Witty encoding to use
- PROPERTY assetpack
get the name of the current assetpack
- PROPERTY bodyclasses
BODY classes
- PROPERTY contentnavstops
Content navigation stops, a list of tagnames (eg ['h1','h2']) that will be included in content navigation
- PROPERTY contentobject (inherited from WebContext)
The object providing the source. This will differ from targetobject if targetobject is a contentlink.
- PROPERTY designfolder
Base folder of the design (mod::a/b/c/ ...)
- PROPERTY errorcode (inherited from WebContext)
Current errorcode, if invoked by an error page, eg 404 or 500. May also be 200 (OK), or 0 if the context is unsure about the current error, so we generally recommend checking for ``>= 400`
- PROPERTY htmlclasses
HTML classes
- PROPERTY htmldata
HTML data attributes
- PROPERTY htmldirection
HTML direction
- PROPERTY ispreviewpage
Is this a preview page?
- PROPERTY jsobjconfig
Obj-specific js settings
- PROPERTY jssiteconfig
Site-specific js settings
- PROPERTY navigationobject (inherited from WebContext)
The object we've navigated to. The same as the targetobject unless this is an A/B test
- PROPERTY pageconfig
The page setup
- PROPERTY resourcedependencies
Extra resource dependencies (for automatic outputtools reload)
- PROPERTY robotstag
Robot meta tag
- PROPERTY seosettings
File seo settings.
- PROPERTY siteconfig
Current site configuration record
- PROPERTY startedrendering
Are we in the rendering phase? (too late to add anything but footers)
- PROPERTY targetapplytester (inherited from WebContext)
The apply tester for the targetobject
- PROPERTY targetfolder (inherited from WebContext)
The folder containing the targetobject, if targetobject is a file. Otherwise, the target object
- PROPERTY targetobject (inherited from WebContext)
The object being published/displayed
- PROPERTY targetsite (inherited from WebContext)
The site containing the targetobject;
- PROPERTY webtoolform
- MACRO AddPublicationWarning(STRING text)
Generate a publication warning
- MACRO AddResourceDependencies(STRING ARRAY deps)
Add a list of resource dependencies (for automatic reload by outputtools if they have changed)
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION AllowToSkipCaptchaCheck() (inherited from WebContext)
- VARIANT FUNCTION CallWithScope(MACRO PTR callback)
Run the callback inside our context
- MACRO Close()
- STRING FUNCTION ExtractRTDExcerpt(INTEGER fileid, STRING selector, RECORD options)
Extract an excerpt from a RTD file
- STRING FUNCTION GenerateAnchor(STRING intext)
- RECORD FUNCTION GetAssetPackLinks()
- STRING FUNCTION GetCaptchaAPIKey() (inherited from WebContext)
- STRING FUNCTION GetDefaultMailTemplate() (inherited from WebContext)
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetFormRenderer()
Get the current form renderer
- STRING FUNCTION GetIntExtLinkTarget(RECORD intextlink)
Generate an link from a RTD or contenttype intextlink record
- INTEGER FUNCTION GetMaximumContentWidthPixels()
Get the maximum content width in pixels
Invoked to get the current page configuration
- RECORD FUNCTION GetPageconfigForJS()
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetPlugin(STRING ns, STRING localname) (inherited from WebContext)
- OBJECT ARRAY FUNCTION GetPluginsByFeature(STRING featurename) (inherited from WebContext)
Return a renderer for a RTD from an instance record
- MACRO PTR FUNCTION GetRTDBodyFromFile(OBJECT inputfile, RECORD options)
Return a renderer for a RTD fomr a WHFS object
Return the pages to render
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION GetStructuredBreadcrumb()
Generate a breadcrumb trail useful for structured data. Override this function if you want to overwrite the initial breadcrumb (or just modify this->structuredbreadcrumb in GetPageConfig or later)
- RECORD FUNCTION GetWittyDataForForm(STRING formname, RECORD options) (inherited from WebContext)
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetWRDAuthPlugin() (inherited from WebContext)
- MACRO InsertHTML(STRING htmlcode, STRING location)
Insert a HTML fragment
- MACRO InsertWithCallback(MACRO PTR callback, STRING location)
Insert a callback
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION MatchLanguage(VARIANT languages)
Check if the webdesign is in a specific language
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenForm(STRING formname, RECORD options) (inherited from WebContext)
Open RTD data using an rtdtype
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenRTDFromFile(OBJECT inputfile, VARIANT options)
Open RTD from WHFS using an rtdtype
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenWebtoolForm(OBJECT formobject)
Open an external webtool form
- MACRO PrepareErrorPage(INTEGER errorcode, RECORD harescriptinfo, STRING url)
- MACRO PrepareForRendering()
Invoked when pageconfig and pageobject are fully setup
- MACRO PrintErrorPage(INTEGER errorcode, RECORD harescriptinfo, STRING url)
- MACRO PrintSimpleErrorBody(STRING errorclass, STRING errormessage, RECORD errormetadata)
Print a simple error body. Override this if you want to handle some errors differently
- MACRO RegisterHTMLPrefix(STRING addprefix, STRING addnamespace)
Register a prefix on the node
- MACRO RenderRTD(RECORD richdoc, VARIANT options)
Open and render a RTD
- MACRO RenderRTDFromFile(OBJECT inputfile, VARIANT options)
Open and render a RTD from WHFS
- MACRO RenderSharedBlock(RECORD sharedblock)
Render a block from GetSharedBlocks/ResolveLocalSharedBlocks as a widget
- MACRO RenderWidgetInstance(RECORD widgetdata, RECORD options)
Render a widget directly
- STRING FUNCTION RewriteHyperlink(STRING href)
Rewrite a link from a RTD or contenttype data
- MACRO RunAfterStaticPage()
- MACRO RunAsWidgetPreview(MACRO PTR instancerender)
Render specified function as body for a widget preview
- MACRO RunPage()
- MACRO RunPageWithContents(MACRO PTR contents)
- MACRO SetJSPluginConfig(STRING pluginname, RECORD data)
- MACRO SetLinkingMode(STRING linkmode)
- MACRO SetupPageWitty()
Initialize pagewitty with the template to use
- RECORD FUNCTION UpdatePageConfig(RECORD pageconfig)
Invoked at last chance to influence the witty variables
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION VerifyCaptchaResponse(STRING response) (inherited from WebContext)