UpdateWebCookie (open)
Set or update a cookie on the client
LOADLIB "mod::system/lib/webserver.whlib";
MACRO UpdateWebCookie(STRING name, STRING value, RECORD options)
Cookie name
STRING value
Cookie value. If left empty, the existing cookie with the name will be deleted. Setting non-ASCII data is not recommended for unencrypted cookies
RECORD options
Cookie options
STRING domain
Cookie domain. Defaults to empty, in which case the cookie will be valid for the current host only
BOOLEAN encrypt
If true, the cookie will be encrypted. Defaults to false
BOOLEAN httponly
If true, mark a cookie as 'httponly', making it invisible to Javascript and helping to mitigate the damage of XSS attacks. Defaults to true
INTEGER64 lifetime
Cookie maximum age (Max-Age) in seconds. If 0, the cookie will be a session cookie (the default)
Cookie path. Defaults to "/", making the cookie available for all URLs on this domain
STRING samesite
SameSite setting (empty, 'none', lax' or 'strict')
STRING secretkey
The secret encryption key to use. If empty, a server generated key will be used.
BOOLEAN secure
If true, mark a cookie to only be transferred over secure connections.
This function will set or update the value of a cookie on the client. Using this macro does not directly affect GetWebCookie, but should affect it on the next call.