RunSelectNewFSObjectTypeDialog (open)

Run the 'select filetype/foldertype/template dialog'


LOADLIB "mod::publisher/lib/dialogs.whlib";

RECORD FUNCTION RunSelectNewFSObjectTypeDialog(OBJECT parentscreen, INTEGER parentfolder, RECORD options)


OBJECT parentscreen

Screen invoking us

INTEGER parentfolder

Folder which will receive the new object

RECORD options


BOOLEAN isfolder

If true, create a folder

INTEGER ARRAY limittypes

If set, allow only templates and types with one of these IDs to be added

Return value


A record describing the creation request, or a DEFAULT RECORD if the dialog was cancelled

INTEGER createtype

FS type ID to create

INTEGER template

FS object ID to duplicate ID of the newly generated fsobject, 0 if creation was cancelled


This function invokes the standard select type for new file/folder dialog, but doesn't run the actual creation steps