ScheduleManagedTask (open)

Schedule a managed task if this transaction commits


LOADLIB "mod::system/lib/tasks.whlib";

INTEGER FUNCTION ScheduleManagedTask(STRING tasktype, RECORD taskdata, RECORD options)


STRING tasktype

Type of the task to schedule (eq: wrd:deleteschemas) - refers to to the servicemanager:managedtask in the moduledefinition

RECORD taskdata

Task data, as specified by the task. The data must fit in 4K of HSON data

RECORD options


RECORD auxdata

Auxilliary data cells. This will be merged with the task data when passed to the task, but stored separately to avoid the 4K limit

DATETIME notbefore

Scheduled date after which the tasks can be executed

INTEGER taskid

Pre-allocated id of the task to create (must be generated by MakeAutoNumber(system.managedtasks, "ID"))

INTEGER timeout

Time limit for the task, 0 for no limit. If provided, overrides the limit set with the task type.

Return value


id of this task. This id is a database id and can be used by later scripts


A managed task, once scheduled, will always attempt to complete, and is restarted when it or the task manager fails. Managed tasks are often used for 'after effects' which can take a lot of time, eg the actual deletion of a WRD schema. A managed task will be attempted even if the script that queued it exits before the task starts. If work is open, the task will be queued as soon as the current work is committed, and will not be queued if the work is rolled back.