GetWebHareConfiguration (open)

Get the WebHare installation/configuration parameters


LOADLIB "mod::system/lib/configure.whlib";

RECORD FUNCTION GetWebHareConfiguration()

Return value


Configuration parameters

STRING basedataroot

The base directory for the WebHare data files (dbase, etc). Custom and modulespecific folders should use the varroot or the ephemeralroot

INTEGER baseport

Baseport for local services (eg 13679)

STRING config

Path to the configuration file

STRING consilio

ip:port used for consilios

STRING ephemeralroot

The directory for the WebHare on-disk data that is relatively easily recovered after loss (eg /var/ephemeral, used for image- and compilecache)

INTEGER hstrustedport

Like trustedport, but opened for the JS webserver. baseport + 3, eg 13682.

STRING installationroot

The WebHare installation root directory (eg /opt/webhare)

STRING logroot

The directory where log files are stored (eg /log/).

STRING ARRAY moduledirs

Module search paths


Current server's node name in a cluster

INTEGER trustedport

Port for incoming LB connections where we trust X-Forwarded-For etc headers. baseport + 5, eg 13684

STRING varroot

The directory for the WebHare on-disk data (eg /var/)


This function returns the various path locations and database settings as configured in the webhare-(default-)config.xml file.