WebHare modules
Modules are the primary method of adding custom code to WebHare
WebHare Configuration and registry
- MACRO ApplyWebHareConfiguration(RECORD options)
Ensure changes to WebHare's configuration are applied
- FUNCTION PTR FUNCTION CreateAppliedPromise(RECORD toApply)
- OBJECTTYPE CustomCheckBase
Base object for custom WebHare checks
- MACRO DeleteRegistryKey(STRING confkey)
Deletes a registry key. Module registry keys can be read using the key "modulename.registrykey...".
- MACRO DeleteRegistryNode(STRING confkey)
Deletes a registry node. Module registry keys can be read using the key "modulename.registrykey...".
- RECORD FUNCTION GetDebuggerConfig()
Return the configuration for the debugger
Get the server DTAP type
- STRING FUNCTION GetInstallationRoot()
Get the installation directory
- STRING FUNCTION GetModuleInstallationRoot(STRING modulename)
Get the directory a module is installed in
- STRING FUNCTION GetModuleStorageRoot(STRING modulename)
Get the disk storage root for module specific data
- STRING FUNCTION GetPrimaryWebhareInterfaceURL()
Get the primary WebHare interface URL
- RECORD FUNCTION GetProcessInfo()
Get the name for this process
Get the event masks to use to listen to specific registry keys in adhoc caches
Get the name for this server
- RECORD FUNCTION GetSystemConfigurationRecord()
Returns the current system configuration
- RECORD FUNCTION GetWebHareConfiguration()
Get the WebHare installation/configuration parameters
- STRING FUNCTION GetWebhareVersion()
Get the version of this WebHare installation
- RECORD FUNCTION GetWebhareVersionInfo()
Get WebHare version and branding information
- INTEGER FUNCTION GetWebhareVersionNumber()
Get the version number of this WebHare installation
IS this a 'considered live' environment
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsModuleInstalled(STRING modulename)
Is a specific module installed ?
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsModuleVersionMatch(STRING modulename, STRING semverrange)
Test if the specified module's semantic version matches the specified version range
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsNodeApplicableToThisWebHare(OBJECT xmlnode, RECORD options)
Returns whether a node with version/servertype/installationtype restrictions is applicable to this WebHare installation
Is true if we're either on production, or acting as-if
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsRestoredWebHare()
Is this a restored WebHare
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsWebhareVersionMatch(STRING semverrange)
Test if the current WebHare semantic version matches the specified version range
- VARIANT FUNCTION ReadRegistryKey(STRING confkey, RECORD options)
Get a registry key. Module registry keys can be read using the key "modulename.registrykey...".
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION ReadRegistryKeysByMask(STRING keymask)
Read registry keys by mask
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION ReadRegistryNode(STRING confkey)
Get all keys in a node
- MACRO WriteRegistryKey(STRING confkey, VARIANT newval, RECORD options)
Set a registry key if it exists. Module registry keys can be written using the key "modulename.registrykey...".
WebHare resources
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION GetCustomModuleSettings(STRING ns, STRING localname)
Gather custom moduledefinition setting nodes
- STRING ARRAY FUNCTION GetInstalledModuleNames()
Get a list of installed modules (includes builtin modules)
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetModuleDefinitionXML(STRING modulename)
Get the XML module definition for a module
- STRING FUNCTION GetModuleDefinitionXMLResourceName(STRING modulename)
Get the resource name module definition for a module
- STRING FUNCTION GetModuleNameFromResourcePath(STRING path)
Returns the module name from a resource path
- STRING FUNCTION GetModuleResourceURL(STRING resourcename)
Returns a URL for a WebHare module resource, if available
Returns the events that will be sent when a WebHare resource is modified
- STRING FUNCTION GetResourceNameFromDiskPath(STRING diskpath, RECORD options)
Returns the resource name for a disk path. Also accept webhare resource paths, which are normalized
- BLOB FUNCTION GetWebHareResource(STRING resourcepath, RECORD options)
Get a WebHare resource (like GetHareScriptResource, but adds support for site::, whfsbyid:: etc)
- STRING FUNCTION GetWebHareResourceDiskPath(STRING inpath)
Get the disk path for a resource. Throws for invalid module names or things which are not a disk path
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION IsAbsoluteResourcePath(STRING base)
Returns whether a resource path is an absolute path
- INTEGER FUNCTION LookupWHFSObject(INTEGER startingpoint, STRING fullpath)
Look up an object id by path
- STRING FUNCTION MakeAbsoluteResourcePath(STRING base, STRING subpath)
Resolves a (relative) resource path relative to a base path
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION ReadWebHareResourceFolder(STRING resourcepath)
Returns the contents of a resource folder.
- RECORD FUNCTION RetrieveCachedXMLResource(STRING path)
Open a XML document read-only
- OBJECTTYPE RetrieveResourceException
Exception thrown when a resource cannot be retrieved
- RECORD FUNCTION RetrieveWebHareResource(STRING resourcepath, RECORD options)
Retrieve a WebHare resource, returning data, path and modification date
- RECORD FUNCTION RunModuleHookTarget(STRING targetname, RECORD data)
Invoke the intercepts for a hook target
System services
- RECORD FUNCTION CheckIPRateLimit(RECORD criterium, INTEGER numhits, RECORD options)
Implements rate limiting for the current request IP
- RECORD FUNCTION CheckRateLimit(RECORD criterium, INTEGER numhits, RECORD options)
Implements rate limiting
- OBJECT FUNCTION CreateKeyPair(STRING name, BLOB privatekey, RECORD options)
Create a new keypair
- VARIANT FUNCTION DecryptForThisServer(STRING scope, STRING data, RECORD options)
Decrypt data with this server's local key
- STRING FUNCTION EncryptForThisServer(STRING scope, VARIANT data, RECORD options)
Encrypt data with this server's local key
Flushes a specific module log
- INTEGER FUNCTION GetBestKeyPairForHostName(STRING hostname)
Returns the ID of the best keypair for a specific hostname
A keypair contains a private key and a certificate chain
List all keypairs
- OBJECTTYPE LocalLockManager
Mutual exclusion manager for process-local locks
- OBJECTTYPE LockManager
Mutual exclusion manager
- MACRO LogAccountingHit(STRING hittype, RECORD hitdata)
Log a hit for accounting purposes
- MACRO LogAuditEvent(STRING logsource, RECORD data)
Log an audit event by the current effective user
- MACRO LogError(STRING logsource, STRING message, RECORD data)
Log an error to the 'notice' log
- MACRO LogHarescriptErrors(RECORD ARRAY errors, RECORD options)
Log a list of Harescript errors to the notice log (via a HarescriptErrorException)
- MACRO LogHarescriptException(OBJECT exc, RECORD options)
Log a Harescript exception to the notice log
- MACRO LogInfo(STRING logsource, STRING message, RECORD data)
Log an informational message to the 'notice' log
- MACRO LogRPCForSoapClient(STRING logsource, STRING sourcetracker, OBJECT soapclient)
Register RPC logging for a SOAP client connection
- MACRO LogRPCForWebbrowser(STRING logsource, STRING sourcetracker, OBJECT webbrowser)
Register RPC logging for a webbrowser connection
- MACRO LogRPCTraffic(STRING logsource, STRING transport, BOOLEAN outgoing, STRING sourcetracker, STRING transactionid, RECORD data)
Log RPC traffic
- MACRO LogWarning(STRING logsource, STRING message, RECORD data)
Log a warning to the 'notice' log
- RECORD FUNCTION LookupAPIKey(STRING type, STRING requestdomain, RECORD options)
Obtain an API key
- OBJECTTYPE MultiFileLogReader
Log reader for reading log files from multiple days as a single log stream. Returned by OpenWebHareLogStream.
Lock object
Get a specific keypair by id
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenKeyPairByName(STRING keypairname)
Get a keypair by name
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenLocalLockManager()
Creates a new mutexmanager object for process-local locks
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenLockManager()
Creates a new mutexmanager object
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenWebHareLogStream(STRING logfile, DATETIME startentries, DATETIME limitentries)
Opens an active logging stream for reading
- OBJECT FUNCTION OpenWebHareLogStreamFromFiles(RECORD ARRAY files, STRING format, DATETIME startentries, DATETIME limitentries)
Opens archived log files for reading
- ASYNC FUNCTION OpenWebHareService(STRING servicename, RECORD options)
Open a WebHare service
- MACRO RunWebHareService(STRING servicename, FUNCTION PTR constructor, RECORD options)
Launch a WebHare service
- MACRO ScheduleCallbackOnServiceClose(OBJECT service, FUNCTION PTR onclose)
Schedules a function to be called when a service closes
- OBJECTTYPE ServiceDisconnectException
Exception thrown when the connection to a service was lost
- OBJECTTYPE ServiceUnavailableException
Exception thrown when a service is unavailable
- MACRO UpdateAuditContext(RECORD auditcontext)
Update auditing context to automatically use for any LogAuditEvent calls
- MACRO WriteLogMarker(STRING text)
Write a marker with optional text to all primary logfiles
Users and access rights management
- INTEGER FUNCTION GetAuthobjectIdByGuid(STRING guid)
Get authobject id for an authobject guid
Get authobject ids for multiple authobject guids
- INTEGER ARRAY FUNCTION GetGrantedAuthObjects(STRING rightname, INTEGER obj, RECORD options)
List authobjects which have a specific right
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetPrimaryWebhareAuthPlugin()
Get the WRD Auth plugin of the primary WebHare interface URL
- OBJECT FUNCTION GetPrimaryWebhareUserApi()
Get the user api of the primary WebHare interface URL
- OBJECTTYPE ObjectTypeDescriber
Objecttype for use in object describers
- OBJECT FUNCTION RequireLoggedinWebHareUser()
Require the current request to be from a logged in WebHare user
Services and tasks
- OBJECT FUNCTION CancelManagedTasks(INTEGER ARRAY taskids)
Cancel managed tasks
- OBJECT FUNCTION DeleteManagedTasks(INTEGER ARRAY taskids)
Delete managed tasks
- RECORD FUNCTION DescribeManagedTask(INTEGER taskid)
Describes a managed task
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION LookupManagedTasks(STRING type, RECORD searchparameters)
Look up managed tasks
- OBJECTTYPE ManagedTaskBase
Base class to implement managed tasks
- INTEGER ARRAY FUNCTION RescheduleManagedTasks(INTEGER ARRAY taskids)
Reschedule multiple finished managed tasks
- RECORD FUNCTION RetrieveManagedTaskResult(INTEGER taskid, DATETIME maxwait, RECORD options)
Waits until a managed task is finished, returns its result. Throws if the task has failed.
- MACRO RetryPendingManagedTasks(STRING mask)
Retry all pending managed tasks of a specific type now
- MACRO RetryPendingManagedTasksByIds(INTEGER ARRAY taskids)
Retry all pending managed tasks of a specific type now
- OBJECT FUNCTION ScheduleEphemeralTask(STRING tasktype, RECORD taskdata, RECORD options)
Schedule an ephemeral task if this transaction commits
- INTEGER FUNCTION ScheduleManagedTask(STRING tasktype, RECORD taskdata, RECORD options)
Schedule a managed task if this transaction commits
- INTEGER ARRAY FUNCTION ScheduleManagedTasks(STRING tasktype, RECORD ARRAY taskdatas, RECORD options)
Schedule multiple managed tasks
- MACRO ScheduleTimedTask(STRING taskname, RECORD options)
Schedule a timed task to run
- MACRO SetManagedTaskMetadata(INTEGER taskid, STRING metadatakey, VARIANT metadatavalue)
Sets metadata of a managed task
- BOOLEAN FUNCTION WaitForTimedTask(STRING taskname, DATETIME deadline, RECORD options)
Wait for timed tasks to finish
System dialogs and integration
- OBJECTTYPE DashboardPanelBase
Base classes for dashboard panels
- OBJECTTYPE MonitorPanelBase
- OBJECT FUNCTION RunConnectRemoteWebHareDialog(OBJECT parent, RECORD options)
Run a dialog to select a remote WebHare to establish a peering connection with
- MACRO RunEmailTestDialog(OBJECT parent, OBJECT email, RECORD options)
Run a dialog to test and preview PrepareMailWitty email
- MACRO RunEmailViewDialog(OBJECT parent, BLOB email, RECORD options)
Run a dialog to (pre)view a single mail
- MACRO RunMailQueueDialog(OBJECT parent, STRING filter, RECORD options)
Run a mailqueue monitoir
- MACRO RunModuleScriptDialog(OBJECT parent, STRING script, STRING ARRAY arguments, RECORD options)
Run a dialog that will run a module script
- MACRO RunSendEmailDialog(OBJECT parent, RECORD options)
Run a dialog in which the user can compose a (rich) mail
- MACRO RunWittyTestDialog(OBJECT parent, RECORD data, RECORD options)
Run a witty tester/developers dialog
Managing migrations and deprecations
- RECORD ARRAY FUNCTION ConvertContentType(STRING srctype, RECORD options)
Convert contenttypes