The 'wh' tool

'wh' is the WebHare's Swiss army knife. It's a shortcut to everything you would want to do on the command line when operating WebHare. The 'wh' tool can also set up autocompletion for bash.


Invoke wh setupmyshell to get the instructions to configure your shell to support whcd and autocompletion. We recommend adding

eval `~/projects/webhare/whtree/bin/wh setupmyshell`

to your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile if either exists). Update the path to the wh tool as needed.

Installation and development

whcd <moduledir>[/subpath] - Go straight to a module (sub)directory, eg whcd mymodule/webdesigns/mydesign

wh getmodule group/module - Download the specified module from and place it into $WHDATA/installedmodules

wh softreset - Rerun startup code (activate manually installed modules)

wh softreset --sp - Recompile site profiles

wh cachereset [-p] - Flush all adhoc caches. With the -p option, also clears the precalculated cache

Managing a running webhare

wh watchlog - Monitor the most important logfiles (essentially 'tail -f')

wh catlog [-f] <file> - Simply cat a logfile, eg 'rpc'. Useful to build pipes

Building and starting WebHare

wh umic - Updates the source tree and modules, Make Installs the code, starts Console mode

wh mic - Make Installs the code, starts Console mode

wh console - Launch WebHare in console mode (does not attempt to build or update first)

wh make builds WebHare.

Setting up multiple WebHare installations

If your WebHare was built from source you can use environment variables to point the WebHare binaries to a different source folder. You will need to set the WEBHARE_DATAROOT and WEBHARE_BASEPORT to different values for each installation. We recommend setting WEBHARE_BASEPORT values at least '100' apart for each installation starting at '14000'.

You can even set up different wh 'aliases', each pointing to a different WebHare, for example:

# A simple secondary installation:
alias wh-moe2="WEBHARE_DATAROOT=$HOME/projects/whdata/moe2/ WEBHARE_BASEPORT=14000 wh"
wh-moe2 console # Launches it

# A completely separate source checkout:
alias wh-stable="WEBHARE_DIR=~/projects/wh_stable/whtree
                 WEBHARE_BASEPORT=14100 ~/projects/wh_stable/whtree/bin/wh"
wh-stable mic # Make, install, console

For more information see the supported enviornment variables. Secondary installations may want to set WEBHARE_ISRESTORED or WEBHARE_NOINSTALLATIONINFO to prevent them from connecting to external services or interfering with a running primary installation.

If you're using the Docker version of WebHare you can just start it with a different /opt/whdata mount to start a different WebHare.