Backup and restore
To backup WebHare remotely, use
Using Docker
DATAFOLDER should be the folder from which you'll be running webhare, and should not contain a 'postgresql' directory yet.
BACKUPFOLDER should be the folder containing the backup. we're assuming the backup is named 'backup' too
docker run --rm -ti -v BACKUPFOLDER:/backup -v DATAFOLDER:/opt/whdata webhare/webhare-core:master wh restore /backup/backup
With a checked-out WebHare
To restore a WebHare database backed up using the above webhare-backup with a checked out WebHare installation:
get the data (rsync or ssh)
configure an environment for the restore, and restore. ideally set WEBHARE_ISRESTORED to describe what data you exactly restored
export WEBHARE_DATAROOT=$HOME/projects/whdata/restore/
export WEBHARE_ISRESTORED="Restored server"
wh restore $HOME/projects/whdata/restore.db
the code above assumes the data to restore was in $HOME/projects/whdata/restore.db
you'll need to export the same environment variables to actually run the restored database with wh console
or to execute
other wh
Backup/restore development
To test local backup/restore process (this assumes wh-moe2 is a throwaway installation)
wh-moe2 freshdbconsole
# on a second console
wh-moe2 backuplocal
# if waiting for the checkpoint takes too long
wh-moe2 psql -c "CHECKPOINT"
# when the backup is done:
wh-moe2 terminate
# move the database aside. one of:
mv $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/dbase $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/dbase.bak
# OR
mv $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/postgresql $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/postgresql.bak
# restore it!
wh-moe2 restore $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/backups/$(ls $(wh-moe2 getdatadir)/backups/ |sort -r|head -n1)
# test it, check you don't see any initialization stuff
wh-moe2 console