Language structure

This section shows the basic building blocks of a HareScript file, and introduces some of the terms that will be used throughout this manual.

HareScript code and comments

HareScript code is always placed between <?wh and ?> tags. Text outside these tags is treated as a PRINT of that text. A shebang (#!interpreter) line at the start of the file is ignored.

Inside HareScript code, comments can be added by prefixing them with /* or //. Any comment starting with /* must be terminated by */, and any comment starting with // automatically ends at the end of the line.

Some of the above character sequences are interpreted differently when they are contained inside a string constant. A string constant is a sequence of characters contained between either single ' or double " quotes, which is not part of a comment. In other words, a single or double quote appearing after a // character sequence, is not interpreted as a real string constant. Inside string constants, HareScript close tags (?>) and comment starting characters (/* and //) are not recognized.

The following code fragments show the interactions between end tags, comments and string constants:

<?wh /* This is a valid way to start and end a comment */ ?>
<?wh /* Closing tags inside comments are ignored ?> so this is still part of the comment */ ?>

<?wh // The following statement is never executed: PRINT("Hello, World!");

<?wh PRINT("// This text is printed, and not recognized as a comment"); ?>
<?wh PRINT("/* This text is printed, and not recognized as a comment */"); ?>
<?wh PRINT("The closing tag ?> is printed, and does not end this code block"); ?>

It's not required to close the last block of HareScript code with a ?>. Omitting the closing tag can be useful when writing libraries, as some editors may append empty lines to the end of a library. If these empty lines would appear outside a HareScript code block, they may appear as empty lines at the top of the HareScript output.

HareScript statements and blocks

In HareScript, a semicolon (;) is used to terminate statements. Statements can be grouped together into blocks using curly braces ({ and }). Grouping statements can be used to add structure to a block of code, and to use multiple statements with control statements such as IF and FOREVERY. The following code fragments demonstrates the use of semicolons and statement blocks:

/* The first PRINT is not executed, the second one is,
   because the first semicolon terminates the IF statement */
IF (false) PRINT("Not displayed"); PRINT("Displayed");

/* Both PRINT statements are executed when curly braces are used */
IF (false) { PRINT("Not displayed"); PRINT("Not displayed either"); }

/* Even in statement blocks, the last statement must
   be terminated by a semicolon: the following code is illegal: */
{ PRINT("Illegal code") }

/* A statement block `counts` as a single statement, so it shouldn`t
   be followed by a semicolon in a context where only one
   statement is permitted.
   This makes the following code legal: */
IF (true) { PRINT ("True"); } ELSE { PRINT ("False"); }

/* But the following code is illegal, because only one statement or block may
appear between IF and ELSE: */
IF (true) { PRINT ("True"); }; ELSE { PRINT ("False"); }

A HareScript close tag is always interpreted as a semicolon. This is important to realize when a HareScript close tag is immediately used after a WHILE or IF statement. As the following example shows, you'll often want to use a semicolon block in that case:

/* The following code is illegal, it looks to the compiler as:
  `IF; (false)`, and the semicolon after the IF is illegal: */
IF ?><?wh (false) PRINT("false");

/* The following text is always printed, it looks to the compiler as:
   `IF (false); PRINT("This is printed"); - the semicolon terminates the IF */
IF (false) ?>This is printed<?wh ;

/* The following text is not printed, it looks to the compiler as:
   `IF (false) { PRINT ("This is printed"); }  */
IF (false) { ?>This is printed<?wh }


An identifier is a name for a variable, function, macro, object type or cell in HareScript. All identifiers have the same common rules determining how they can be named, and which names are considered identical.

An identifier name may be up to 64 characters in length, and must start with either a letter or an underscore. An identifier name may contain only letters, numbers and underscores.

All identifier names are case-insensitive - the identifiers "myint" and "MyInt" are considered equal. The reserved keywords, listed in Appendix 1, may never be used as an identifier name.

Cell names have fewer restrictions than identifier names, so it may be necessary to 'escape' a column name by using a string constant. This is only permitted in contexts where the HareScript compiler can unambiguously determine that a column is being referred, as shown in the following example:

// Access cell "column data" from record rec;
STRING mystr := rec."column data";

// Select the cell "column data", renaming it to coldata, from table MYTABLE
SELECT mytable."column data" AS coldata FROM mytable;

/* Illegal: the compiler isn`t sure whether you`re trying to
   create a column with the contents "column data", or selecting
   the column "column data" */
SELECT "column data" FROM mytable;

// Select the column named "column data"
SELECT COLUMN "column data" FROM mytable;


[ PUBLIC ] <type> <variablename> [ := value ]
              [ , <variablename> [ := value ] .... ];

[ PUBLIC ] TABLE <table-specification> <variablename> [:= value];

[ PUBLIC ] SCHEMA <schema-specification> <variablename> [:= value];

A variable is defined in HareScript by specifying its type, its name, and optionally assigning it a value and an external visibility specifier.

The external visibility specifier, PUBLIC or PRIVATE, is optional and defaults to PRIVATE if not specified. This specifier is explained in the libraries section. The external visibility specifier may only be used for global variables. For tables, an table specification must be provided.

The initial value for a variable is also optional. Every type has its own default value that will be used when no value is specified at its point of definition. Except when defining TABLE or SCHEMA variables, more than one variable of the same type can be defined in one statement by separating the definitions by a comma.

Global variables

A variable that is defined outside any statement block (a block delimited by { and }) is considered a global variable. A global public variable is shared between libraries if both libraries are loaded (directly or indirectly) by a single script. For example, in the code below, there is only one variable i, even though library lib1 is loaded twice.

// Contents of library 1:

// Contents of library 2:
LOADLIB "library 1";
i := i + 1;

// Contents of library 3:
LOADLIB "library 1";
i := i + 1;

// Contents of the HareScript that is being executed
LOADLIB "library 2";
LOADLIB "library 3";
LOADLIB "library 1";
PRINT("i = " || i); // this will print `3`.

Local variables

A variable that is defined inside a statement block (a block delimited by { and }) is considered a local variable. It is only visible inside the block in which it was defined, and any blocks contained in that block. If a variable is defined inside a function, it is created for every call to the function. For example, in the following code, each call to function Faculty has its 'own' variable i - they cannot see each other's variable and i will never have a value higher than 1:

  i := i + 1;
  PRINT ("i is now " || i || "\n");
  IF (value<=1) RETURN 1;
  RETURN value * Faculty(value-1);

INTEGER faculty\_of\_5 := Faculty(5);

Visibility rules and name conflicts

It is illegal to define two variables with the same name inside the same statement block. It is allowed to define a local variable with a name that is already used in an eclosing scope, but the compiler will issue a warning in that case. When an expression refers to a variable, it will always use the 'closest' variable definition, as demonstrated in the following example:

INTEGER i := 1;
MACRO MyMacro()
  INTEGER i := 2;
    INTEGER i := 3;
    PRINT("i is now " || i || "\n"); //prints `3`
  PRINT("i is now " || i || "\n"); //prints `2`
PRINT("i is now " || i || "\n"); //prints `1` (the global variable `i`)

It is illegal to define a global identifier (variable, function or macro) with the same name as another global identifier defined or exported by the same library.

Ordering of definitions

In contrast to functions and macros, all variables must be defined before they are first used. All variables receive their initial value, if any, at the point of their definition. If a variable is read before the code at its point of definition has been executed, the reader will see the variable's default value, as shown in the following code:

///This will print `0`, because variable i is not yet initialized
///at this point
PRINT (GetVarI() || "\n");

INTEGER i := 5;

///This will now print `5`
PRINT (GetVarI() || "\n");


Functions and Macros

[ PUBLIC ] <type> [ AGGREGATE ] FUNCTION <name> ( [arguments] ) [attributes] { <code> }

[ PUBLIC ] MACRO <name> ( [arguments] ) [attributes] { <code> }

Functions and macros allow you to reuse code and organise HareScript code into logical portions. Some functions and macros also allow you to interface with the 'external world', such as printing HTML code, opening a file, or committing a database transaction.

A function can optionally take one or more arguments, and must always return a value using the keyword RETURN. A macro can also take arguments, but never returns a value.

All functions and macros must be defined at the top level, after any LOADLIB statement. They cannot be defined inside another function or macro, or inside any statement block delimited by curly braces.

The external visibility specifier, PUBLIC or PRIVATE, is optional and defaults to PRIVATE if not specified. This specifier is explained in the libraries section.

The <type> before the keyword FUNCTION specifies the type of data the function returns. The argument lists and attributes are explained in the following sections. The function definition must follow immediately, between curly braces, unless the function has been marked as an external function in its attribute list.

The AGGREGATE keyword converts a function into an aggregate function.

Function names must follow the same rules as other identifiers. It is not allowed to define a function or macro with the same name as any other global identifier defined or exported by the same library.

Argument lists

A function or macro can take one or more arguments. For every argument a function takes, it must define a name and an expected type, and it can optionally define a default value if the argument is omitted by using the defaultsto keyword. In an argument list, no arguments without a default value may follow an argument with a default value.

To create a function that accepts a variable number of arguments, the last argument can be converted to a variable-length argument by using .... That variable MUST have the type VARIANT ARRAY. When calling such a function, all arguments that don't have a corresponding 'normal' paremeter will be put into an array which is passed to the function in the variable-length argument.

The following code gives some examples of legal and illegal argument lists:

// A function returning an integer, and taking two integers
{ RETURN left * right; }

// A function returning a money value, and taking one or two money values
MONEY FUNCTION ExchangeMoney(MONEY orginalamount, MONEY rate DEFAULTSTO 2.20371)
{ RETURN originalamount * rate; }

// Illegal: all arguments must have a type and a name
MACRO badmacro(firstarg, INTEGER)

// Illegal: all arguments following a default value must also have
// a default value

// A function accepting a variable number of arguments

Asynchronous functions

[ PUBLIC ] ASYNC FUNCTION <name> ( [arguments] ) { <code> }
[ PUBLIC ] ASYNC MACRO <name> ( [arguments] ) { <code> }

Using ASYNC with a function converts the function to an asynchronous function which returns a promise. For an ASYNC FUNCTION this this promise will be resolved to the value passed to RETURN <expression>;, for an ASYNC MACRO the promise will be resolved with a DEFAULT RECORD. If the function throws an exception, the promise will be rejected with the throw exception object.

Initially an asynchronous function is executed synchronously, until the first encountered AWAIT-expression. The expression passed to AWAIT is first converted to a promise. Later on, when that promise is resolved with a value, the AWAIT-expression returns with that value. However, if the promise is rejected (with an exception) that exception is thrown from the expression.


  /* Converts the return value of OtherCall() to a promise, waits for
     that promise to resolve, and puts the resolved value into retval */

  INTEGER retval := AWAIT OtherCall();

  RETURN retval + 1;

// Runs AsyncFunc until the first AWAIT (so 'Started' is printed)
OBJECT p := AsyncFunc();

/* Can't use AWAIT outside of asynchronous functions, so we need to use
   WaitForPromise to wait (and handle events and promise fulfillment
   while waiting) */
PRINT(`Result = ${WaitForPromise(p)}\n`);

Generator functions

[ PUBLIC ] FUNCTION *<name> ( [arguments] ) { <code> }

YIELD <expression>
YIELD* <iterator-expression>

A generator function is a function that can return a value and can be continued afterwards, while keeping their local variables intact.

When a generator is called, its body isn't executed. Instead a iterator object is returned. This object has 3 methods: Next, SendThrow and SendReturn.

The generator can be started by calling Next() on the iterator object. After that, the generator runs until one of the following happens:

When calling Next() on the iterator object again, the value passed to Next() is used as the value of the YIELD-expression, and execution of the generator is resumed. After that, the same steps as after starting the generator are used. If the generator has already completed, the value [ done := TRUE, value := DEFAULT RECORD ] is returned.

When SendReturn() is called and the generator is inside a YIELD-expression, execution of the generator is resumed as if the YIELD-expression was a RETURN <value> statement. The return value is then the same as after a Next() call. If the generator hasn't started yet or wass already completed, the value [ done := TRUE, value := <passed value> ] is returned.

When SendThrow() is called and the generator is inside a YIELD-expression, execution of the generator is resumed, and the passed exception object is thrown immediately. The return value is then the same as after a Next() call. If the generator hasn't started yet or is already completed, the value [ done := TRUE, value := <passed value> ] is returned.

The YIELD* statement repeatedly calls Next() on the passed iterator. While the returned record has a cell done with value false, the value cell is yielded.


FUNCTION* Doubler()
  INTEGER v := 0;
    v := YIELD v * 2;

OBJECT gen := Doubler();
PRINT(`Number: ${gen->Next().value}\n`); // Always 0
PRINT(`Number: ${gen->Next(2).value}\n`); // 4
PRINT(`Number: ${gen->Next(3).value}\n`); // 6
PRINT(`Number: ${gen->Next(-1).value}\n`); // -2

Asynchronous generator functions

[ PUBLIC ] FUNCTION *<name> ( [arguments] ) { <code> }

An asynchronous generator function is a combination of a normal generator and an asynchronous function. Using AWAIT in the function body is allowed, and iistead of using records, the Next(), SendReturn() and SendThrow() functions return promises for those records.

Using YIELD* inside of asynchronous generators is not (yet) allowed.


  YIELD 10;
  INTEGER v := AWAIT AsyncCall(); //
  YIELD 20 + v;
  RETURN 30;

OBJECT g := AsyncGen();

// Prints 10
PRINT(`Value 1: ${WaitForPromise(g->Next()).value}\n`);
// Prints 20 + the return value of AsyncCall()
PRINT(`Value 2: ${WaitForPromise(g->Next()).value}\n`);
// Returns [ done := TRUE, value := 30 ];

Aggregate functions

An aggregate function is a special function that can be used inside a grouped SELECT expression. It must be of a special format: it must have exactly one parameter, that must either be an array type or type VARIANT.

Aggregate functions must be called with a non-array argument inside the select. For every record in a group, the arguments are collected into an array, and then the aggregate function is invoked with that array.

Outside of SELECT statements, the function can be called with the syntax <functionname>[]([ value, value, ... ]).

// Define an aggregate function SUM, that returns the integer sum of the array argument
  INTEGER total := 0;
  FOREVERY (INTEGER value FROM values)
    total := total + value;
  RETURN total;

// Invokes the SUM function with array [1, 2], the result is 3.
SELECT AS INTEGER SUM(x) FROM [[x  := 1], [x := 2]];

// Usage of SUM outside a SELECT statement.
INTEGER a := SUM[]([ 1, 2 ]);


A function can also have one or more attributes, which tell the compiler how to handle this function. Most attributes are only relevant for external functions, but the deprecated attribute may also be useful for library designers.

The deprecated attribute will tell the compiler to give a warning whenever the marked function is used. The function can still be called normally, but the attribute can be used as an advance warning that the function will disappear in the future:


/* This line will now give the warning:
   `OldCode` has been deprecated: Please use NewCode */

External functions

External functions are written in a foreign language (such as C++), and are used to communicate with the outside world or to access built-in features of the language. External functions can be built into the HareScript virtual machine (or an extended virtual machine, such as WebHare), or contained in an external library (a .DLL or .so file)

You cannot just call any function in any DLL using the external attribute, as the function needs to be prepared to support HareScript function calls. Details on how to do this can be found in the module development section of

For illustration, an example external function definition follows. Note that you will probably not be able to actually run this code in a HareScript library, as the example function names will not be available (you will get a function not registered error).

//Define function `GetExampleValue`, which should already be
//available to the VM

//Load external module "windowsui" and lookup the MessageBox macro in it.
MACRO MessageBox(STRING text, STRING title) ATTRIBUTES(EXTERNAL "windowsui");

Object types

[ PUBLIC ] [ STATIC ] OBJECTTYPE <object type name> [ EXTEND <typename> ]
  <object type structure>

Objecttype members, properties and methods:
  [ PUBLIC ] <type> <variablename> ;
  [ UPDATE ] [ PUBLIC ] PROPERTY <propertyname> ( <read-expresssion> or '-', <write-expresssion> or '-' ) ;
  [ PUBLIC ] MACRO NEW ( <arguments> ) { <code> }
  [ UPDATE ] [ PUBLIC ] <type> FUNCTION <functionname> ( <arguments> ) { <code> }
  [ UPDATE ] [ PUBLIC ] [ ASYNC ] MACRO <macroname> ( <arguments> ) { <code> }

An object is a wrapper of data and related functions. An objecttype declaration describes the structure of that data and the related functions. The following items can be part of that structure:

A new object can be constructed using the NEW <objecttype> syntax. This creates a new object using the blueprint provided by the objecttype specification and returns a reference to that object. This object will exist until the last reference to it is gone. Copying the reference will not copy the object itself, the new reference will point to the original object.


OBJECT myobject := NEW MyType;
myobject->value := "value";

/// Prints 'value'
OBJECT copy := myobject;
PRINT(copy->value || "\n");

myobject->value := "value2";

// Prints 'value2'
PRINT(copy->value || "\n");

The items in an objecttype can be either private (the default) or public. Public items can be accessed from all references to that object, but the private items can only be accessed from within the object (using the special this variable that contains a reference to the current object within methods), or via a special privileged reference.

Accessing the contents of an object

Within methods of the object, the items within that object can be accessed using the this variable. Example:

< INTEGER _counter;
  MACRO IncrementCounter()
    PRINT("Counter was: " || this->counter || "\n");
    this->counter := this->counter + 1;


From the outside, properties behave like member values. The difference is that getting and setting values can be rerouted to specific members.

The access method for properties can be one of the following types:

  1. a member variable (using <membername>).
  2. a simple expression (using this->name.value). The expression must start with this->, and only object references and record cell references are allowed.
  3. a method call (using <methodname>).
  4. not available (using -).

For the getter, methods will be called without arguments, and the return value of that method is returned to the caller. For the setter, the method will be called with the set value as single argument, and the return value is discarded.


< INTEGER _value;
  OBJECT _otherobject;

  /// Provide readonly access to the _value member
  PROPERTY readonly(value, -);

  /// Access the value member of a private memeber object
  PROPERTY passthrough(this->_otherobject->value, this->_otherobject->value);

  /// Use access function to convert value from 0-based to 1-based
  PROPERTY gettersetter(_GetValue, _SetValue);

  INTEGER FUNCTION _GetValue() { RETURN this->value + 1; }
  MACRO _SetValue(INTEGER newval) { this->value := newval - 1; }

^Hat properties

The special hat-property (PROPERTY ^) is used when accessing objects items with a name starting with ^. If a member value with that name is present, that will member value will be used for access. Otherwise, that hat property is evaluated. Method calls executed for this property will have the name of the item added as first argument.


  PUBLIC PROPERTY ^(Getter, Setter);

  STRING FUNCTION Getter(STRING propname) { RETURN this->_cache; }
  MACRO Setter(STRING propname, STRING value) { this->_cache := propname || ":" || value; }

  PUBLIC MACRO InsertProp(STRING propname, STRING value)
    MemberInsert(this, propname, FALSE, value);

OBJECT myobj := NEW MyObjectType;
PRINT(myobj->^a || "\n"); // prints ""
myobj->^a := "2"; // sets myobj->_cache to "^a:2"
PRINT(myobj->^a || "\n"); // prints "^a:2"
myobj->InsertProp("^a", "direct"); // insert directly into the object
PRINT(myobj->^a || "\n"); // now prints "direct"

A hat property that is not (yet) actually instantiated on the object is not visible to MemberExists.


An objecttype can extend another objecttype using inheritance, using EXTEND <parent-objecttype>. The resulting objecttype will have all the members, properties and methods of the parent objecttype, plus all items defined in the objecttype contents.

Properties and methods can be updated by the new contents by using the UPDATE keyword. Members cannot be updated. An updated method must have the same signature as the method it updates.

If the constructor of the parent objecttype has parameters, the constructor of the new objecttype must call the parent constructor using the following syntax:

OBJECTTYPE MyObjectType EXTEND ParentObjectType
  : ParentObjectType(value)

When updating a method, the overridden method can be called explicitly using <parent-objecttype>::<methodname>. Example:

OBJECTTYPE MyObjectType EXTEND ParentObjectType
  UPDATE MACRO OverriddenMethod()


A library is a collection of functions, macros and variables, which can be re-used in other libraries and scripts. When a library is loaded, all PUBLIC identifiers it contains become available to the script that loads it. A library is referred to by its name, which consists of a namespace and a path, separated by a double colon, eg:

// Make all public variables, functions and macros in `money.whlib` available
LOADLIB "wh::money.whlib";

If you are writing a HareScript library, the symbols in libraries that you load won't be directly available to scripts that load your library. If you want this, you need to explicitly re-export any symbols you wish to make available to the scripts that load your library, as follows:

/* Make all public symbols in money.whlib available to our library,
   and make FormatMoney and MoneyToInteger available to all libraries
   that load our library
LOADLIB "wh::money.whlib" EXPORT FormatMoney, MoneyToInteger;

An EXPORT can only be used to re-export PUBLIC variables and functions in the library from which you're exporting them. There's no way to gain access to the private symbols of a library.

The following example will display the effects of EXPORT in more detail, by showing which variables are available to which library. Although this example shows only variables, the same rules apply to functions and macros:

// Library 1: defining a few variables

// Library 2: loading library 1, but only exporting i1
LOADLIB "library 1" EXPORT i1;
PRINT("Multiplication: " || i1 * i2); //okay: both i1 and i2 are available

// Library 3: loading library 2
LOADLIB "library 2";
PRINT("i1: " || i1); //okay: i1 from library 1 is available
                     //through library 2
PRINT("i2: " || i2); //illegal: i2 is not visible

Main code

All code that is outside any function and macro, including the initialisation of any global variables, is considered to be the main code of the script. This code is executed whenever the script is loaded as a library, or is run directly. Please note that if a script loads the same library twice, directly or indirectly, its main code is still executed only once.

The following example explains what is considered the main code in every library. All print statements are executed only once, even though library 1 is loaded twice by the final script, library 3:

//Library 1 - the code that follows is considered the `main code`
Print ("This is library 1\n");

//Library 2 - the code that follows is considered the `main code`
LOADLIB "library 1";
Print("This is library 2\n");

//Library 3
LOADLIB "library 1";
LOADLIB "library 2";

//A function in library 3 - the code it contains is NOT part
//of the `main code`

//The following code is considered the `main code`
Print ("This is library 3\n");

Column name lookup rules

Inside SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE expressions special rules apply when looking up the name of an identifier. These rules apply to all the expressions in this statement, with the exception of the FROM clause. In such an expression, an identifier can refer to a variable, a function or a column from one of the source expressions. The following lookup rules apply to identifiers in such expressions:

  1. If the identifier is followed by an opening parenthesis, it is considered to refer to a function.
  2. If the identifier appears after the cell operator (.), it is considered to be a cell inside the previously specified record. This record can also be one of the source expressions specified in a FROM clause.
  3. If the identifier is prefixed with a VAR keyword, it is considered to refer to a temporary, local or global variable defined earlier.
  4. If the identifier is prefixed with a COLUMN keyword, it is considered to refer to a column in one of the source expressions.
  5. If no VAR or COLUMN keyword is present, the identifier is considered to refer to a temporary, local or global variable, if any variable by that name exists. If no identifier exists, the identifier is considered to refer to a column in one of the source expressions.

When a looked up column may exist in more than one source expression, the compiler generates an error. The compiler assumes that a record array contains all possible column names, so if two or more record arrays are specified as the source expression for a SELECT, all columns will have to be referred to explicitly.

Note that given the list above, the VAR keyword is never required. When neither of the keywords VAR or COLUMN is used, the compiler will still select an existing variable instead of a cell. However, the usage of VAR can clarify the code, and may suppress compiler warnings in some cases.

The following examples detail how the column name lookup works in various cases:

TABLE files < INTEGER id >;
TABLE folders < INTEGER id, STRING name >;
INTEGER id := 5;

//`id` refers to the global variable `id`, NOT to one of the
// sources being selected
SELECT id FROM files, folders;

//Two proper ways to select `id` from table `files`

//`test` will be looked up in `ra1`, as `files` won`t contain the cell
SELECT test FROM files, ra1;

In the following examples, the lookup rules are insufficient to determine which source expression or variable to use, and the compiler will generate an error:

TABLE files < INTEGER id >;
TABLE folders < INTEGER id, STRING name >;
RECORD ARRAY ra1, ra2;
INTEGER id := 5;

//Ambiguous, because both `files` and `folders` offer a column named `id`
//The `column` keyword ensures that variable `id` is not considered
SELECT COLUMN id FROM files, folders;

//Column `name` is ambiguous, because the compiler
//considers `ra1` to contain all
//possible columns
SELECT name FROM folders, ra1;

//All columns are ambiguous, because more than
//one record array is specified
SELECT name, title FROM ra1, ra2;

The examples above only discuss SELECT, but the lookup rules also apply to UPDATE and DELETE statements. The only difference is that UPDATE and DELETE do not permit multiple source expressions, so some of the possible ambiguities do not apply there.