StoreDiskFile (open)
Store a blob to disk
LOADLIB "wh::files.whlib";
MACRO StoreDiskFile(STRING path, BLOB data, RECORD options)
Path to the file to create.
BLOB data
Blob to write
RECORD options
BOOLEAN inplace
Create/overwrite the file in place. Normally, a temporary file is generated first
BOOLEAN overwrite
Overwrite if the file already exists? If TRUE, the function will overwrite the existing file. Defaultsto FALSE
BOOLEAN publicfile
If the file is created, should it be publicly readable? Defaults to TRUE
Create a new file, or open an existing file, and writes the source data to the file. If the file already existed, its previous contents are erased. If overwrite is set, inplace is not set, and the filename length is shorter than 230 bytes, a temporary file will be created and moved over the original to ensure an atomic replace