Basic setup


Siteprofile changes:

    <to type="all"/>

    <!-- Optional: enable all users to create (standard) forms -->
    <allowfiletype typedef="" />

Add the proper JavaScript libraries:

//At minimum, activates required CSS and JSON/RPC links
import * as dompack from 'dompack';
import * as forms from '@mod-publisher/js/forms';
forms.setup({ validate: true });

//Load neutral styling (optional, but you'll need to supply your own styling for some of the fields below if you skip this)
import '@mod-publisher/js/forms/themes/neutral';

//Optionally: replaces upload fields with a nicer and edit-supporting version
import UploadField from '@mod-publisher/js/forms/fields/upload';
dompack.register(".wh-form__upload", node => new UploadField(node));

//Optionally: replaces date fields with a split version
import { SplitDateField, SplitTimeField } from '@mod-publisher/js/forms/fields/splitdatetime';
dompack.register(".wh-form__date", node => new SplitDateField(node));
dompack.register(".wh-form__time", node => new SplitTimeField(node));

//Enable the imgedit and/or rtd fields:
import ImgEditField from '@mod-publisher/js/forms/fields/imgedit';
dompack.register(".wh-form__imgedit", node => new ImgEditField(node));

import RTDField from '@mod-publisher/js/forms/fields/rtd';
dompack.register(".wh-form__rtd", node => new RTDField(node));


Using SCSS, import the main forms CSS.

@mod-publisher/js/forms/styles supplies a mixin to apply "flex" CSS styling to the forms.

Thet following examples sets a minimum width for fields and include this mixin:

@import '~@mod-publisher/js/forms/styles';

  @include wh-form-flex;


Every form group has a data-wh-form-group-for attribute that contains the names of the fields inside this group. Because this is a list, you should use the ~= operator when selecting (eg [data-wh-form-group-for~="shippingmethod.shippingmethod"))


Many sites may want form labels next to their fields in desktop mode, but will want to put the fields below the questions on mobile. Eg:

@media (max-width: 505px)
  /* Order the inputs vertical from their labels */
    -ms-flex-direction: column;
    -webkit-flex-direction: column;
    flex-direction: column;
  /* Give the fields their full width back */