Address fields in forms

The <address> field can be used in forms to ask for an address. The value of an address field is a WRD-compatible address record, i.e. it will have fields like COUNTRY, STREET, NR_DETAIL, ZIP, etc. Which fields are used for which countries is configured in the WRD world info. It is rendered as a country pulldown, which controls the single-line text fields that are shown for the address subfields.

Country selection

By default, all available countries are offered in the country pulldown. To limit this selection or change the ordering, the countrylist attribute can be used:

  <!-- Show only Netherlands, Belgium and Germany -->
  <address name="myaddress" tid=".address" countrylist="NL BE DE" />

A dash can be used to insert a divider:

  <!-- Show Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, then a divider, followed by the other EU countries -->
  <address name="myaddress" tid=".address" countrylist="NL BE DE - AT BG CY CZ DK EE ES FI FR GB GR HR HU IE IT LU LV MT PL PT RO SE SI SK" />

The WORLD keyword can be used to list all remaining countries alphabetically:

  <address name="myaddress" tid=".address" countrylist="NL BE DE - WORLD" />

Override subfield titles

The titles of the subfields can be overridden in the form's XML or dynamically:

  <address name="myaddress" tid=".address">
    <fieldtitle tag="street" title="Straatnaam" /><!-- Use "Straatnaam" as the title for the "street" field -->
    <fieldtitle tag="nr_detail" tid=".housenumber" /><!-- The tid ".housenumber" is used as title -->
    <fieldtitle tag="zip" /><!-- The tid ".address-zip" (".address" tid + "-" + tag) is used as title -->
  INSERT CELL city := "Woonplaats" INTO ^myaddress->fieldtitles;

Address validation

The <address> field has support for automatic address validation and completion. It is enabled by default for Dutch addresses using the PDOK Locatieserver API, which can be used on a fair use policy base.

Configure address validation

The address validation configuration can be set through the registry. To configure address validation for your module, add a registry key to store the configuration:

    <node name="config">
      <record name="addressvalidation" />

Create a module configuration screen to edit the registry key:

  <meta configscreen="screens/sysmgmt.xml#editconfig">

  <screen name="editconfig" title="Configuration">
      <s:registrynode name="config" node="mymodule.config" />
      <w:addressvalidation composition="config" cellname="addressvalidation" />
      <defaultformbuttons buttons="ok cancel" />


LOADLIB "mod::system/lib/configure.whlib";

LOADLIB "mod::tollium/lib/screenbase.whlib";

  MACRO Init()
    OBJECT work := this->BeginWork();
    RETURN work->Finish();

Refer to the registry key with the address validation configuration in your site profile:

    <to type="all"/>
    <addressvalidation xmlns="" registrykey="modules.mymodule.config.addressvalidation" />