RunConsilioSearch (open)

Search an index


LOADLIB "mod::consilio/lib/api.whlib";

RECORD FUNCTION RunConsilioSearch(STRING indextag, RECORD query, RECORD options)


STRING indextag

Index to search (module:tag)

RECORD query

Search query

RECORD options


RECORD aggregation_mapping

For aggregation queries, only the aggregation results will be returned, mapped using the mapping option, not the actual matching documents. By supplying a separate aggregation mapping, the aggregation results are returned separately in an "aggregation" result field


The number of results to return (-1 for all results, defaults to 100)

STRING ARRAY exclude_urls

For site searches: Results with a URL starting with one of these exclude_urls are not returned


The first result to return (0-based, defaults to 0)

STRING highlightclass

The CSS class used to highlight found query words in the highlightfields (set to empty string to disable match highlighting)

STRING ARRAY highlightfields

The fields in which found query words should be highlighted (note that all fields mentioned in highlightfields are HTML-encoded)

STRING ARRAY highlightparts

The fields from which only a relevant highlighted part (with max length "summary_length") will be returned in the summaryfield, defaults to [ "body" ] (note that all fields mentioned in highlightparts are HTML-encoded)

STRING highlighttype

Which highlighting algorithm to use, either unified (the default) or plain (see for more information)

STRING language

The language to use (legacy Consilio indices only, defaults to the language returned by GetTidLanguage)

RECORD mapping

The fields in this record will be returned in the search results and updated with the values returned by Consilio (defaults to DEFAULT RECORD, which returns all known fields)

STRING orderby

Field to order over (defaults to "", which orders descending by score, can be set to the value of the scorefield option, doesn't have to be a field in the mapping option)

BOOLEAN orderdesc

Whether to reverse the ordering (defaults to TRUE when ordering by score or FALSE when ordering by another field)


Advanced results ordering, overrides the orderby and orderdesc options

STRING ordering.orderby

Field to order over (required, can be set to the value of the scorefield option, doesn't have to be a field in the mapping option, but it should be an indexed field)

BOOLEAN ordering.orderdesc

Whether to reverse the ordering (defaults to TRUE when ordering by score or FALSE when ordering by another field)

STRING ordering.ordermode

Sort mode to use (one of "min", "max", "sum", "avg" or "median", defaults to "min" when sorting ascending or "max" when sorting descending)

BOOLEAN refresh

Refresh the catalog before searching, making sure very recent changes are picked up

STRING restrict_url

For site searches: Only results with a URL starting with this restrict_url are returned

BOOLEAN save_searches

If the search query should be saved for search reports (defaults to FALSE)

INTEGER save_searches_site

Set an explicit site id to save the query for (by default, Consilio tries to determine the site id by checking if the index contains only one publisher content source or by using LookupPublisherUrl on the restrict_url)

STRING scorefield

The name of the field to return the result score in (set to empty string to not return scores, defaults to "")

STRING summaryfield

The name of the field to return the summary in (set to empty string to not return the summary, defaults to "summary")

INTEGER summary_length

The length of the summary to generate for each result (-1 for the default length of 200, 0 to prevent summary generation, defaults to -1)

INTEGER totaltotrack

By default, only up to a certain results are counted with the totalexact return value being set to FALSE if there are more than that number of results. Set this option to the number of results that should be always be counted or to -1 to always return the exact number of results (a higher setting comes with a performance cost). Defaults to 10,000.

BOOLEAN validatemapping

Validate the specified mapping. Defaults to TRUE

Return value


The search result

RECORD ARRAY aggregation

The aggregation results for an aggregation query with a separate aggregation mapping (see the aggregation_mapping option)

STRING ARRAY eventmasks

Event masks to listen to for changes to this query


The actual results

INTEGER totalcount

The total number of results (not necessarily the number of returned results, if count is set to a value >= 0)

BOOLEAN totalexact

If the total number of results is exact, if FALSE it's a lower bound for the actual number of results