Installing the Sublime WebHare package
- Open the Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac)
- Select "Package Control: Install Package"
- Install the package named "WebHare"
Some useful commands in Sublime’s WebHare Package are:
- Documentation search
Opens the local WebHare installation’s documentation site (/docs/). Make sure the docs site is enabled (application “Modules and configuration” => Menu => “Tollium backend” => tab “Server” => enable option “Index source code”). - Get Last Error Stack Trace
Scrolls through (the errors from) the last stack trace. Jumps to the source code after selecting one of the stack trace items. - Codegrep
Search code from the local modules, both WebHare’s internal modules as well as your own modules. Double click on a result to jump to the code (requires the ‘mousemap’ settings). - Symbol search
After selecting a (WebHare) function, macro or object, jumps to the source code. - Validate file
Compiles/validates the current file. Supports whscr, whlib, xml and siteprl. - Source switch
This command can be used to switch between a screen XML file and the accompanying WHLIB file.
To install WebHare’s recommended packages, select Preferences => Package Settings => WebHare => Recommended Packages => Install all recommended packages.
Open Tollium component in Sublime
Use the following combination on a (Tollium) component to open the component’s XML specification in Sublime:
Option + shift + right click
Other useful Sublime Packages
- TabsExtra
Mouse integration
To support mouse-related functions, you'll need to add extra settings. This will make the following work:
- Double click codegrep results
- Cmd + right click on a function to trigger a popup with documentation
- Cmd + shift + right click to trigger symbol definitions
To get this to work on OSX, add a file named "Default (OSX).sublime-mousemap" in the Sublime Package/User folder (/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User) with the following contents: